200m Dash Wind Calculator | Estimate 200 Meter Dash Times With Wind

200m Dash Wind Calculator | Estimate 200 Meter Dash Times With Wind

200m Dash Wind Calculator

Use this calculator to see how your 200 meter dash time will vary depending on different wind conditions.

Simply enter your time and the wind reading from your race into the calculator below, and it will output the times you would likely have run if the race had 2.0 m/s, 0 m/s, and -2.0 m/s wind.

Wind-adjusted 200m Dash Time Calculator 

Interpreting Your Results

This calculator can help athletes to assess how their performance measures up with consideration for racing in windy conditions.

When you assess your sprint performances, it is important to consider the conditions in which you ran. You could perform better than ever before, yet run a slower time than your personal best, if the head winds in your race were significant.


If you run a time that you are disappointed by, but the head wind was significant (such as greater than -1.0 m/s), you can use this calculator to prove to yourself that your performance in the race was better than the time itself.

calculator for 200m dash time adjustments for wind

Frequently Asked Questions About Wind & The 200 Meter Dash

Which sprinter ran the fastest ever 200m race when compensating for the wind?

When compensating for wind, the fastest 200m race ever is Usain Bolt's world record of 19.19, which he set at the 2009 World Championships in Berlin, Germany.

How much can a 10mph wind slow down or speed up a 200m time?

For an 22.0 second 200m runner, a 10mph wind (which is equivalent to 4.5 m/s) will improve your time by 0.20 seconds (1.0%) or slow it down by 0.61 seconds (2.84%), depending on if it is a tailwind or headwind.

How much wind is legal in track?

In track & field, your time will not count for world record purpose if you had a tail wind greater than 2.0 meters per second, or 4.47 miles per hour.

What is the fastest wind-aided 200m dash in history?

While the fastest 200m dash ever was run by Usain Bolt, who ran 19.19 into a -0.3 m/s head wind, the fastest ever wind-aided 200m was run by Kenny Bednarek who ran 19.49 with a +6.1 m/s tail wind in 2019 in Hobbs, New Mexico.


Reference For Wind Adjustment Calculations

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